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Tara products are the result of a continious research and development. Advanced technology and selected materials are used on the products. As a result of this, customers are always satisfied with the quality of Tara offered products.
Mv Power Transformers
MV Power transformers are for the co-generation and industrial plants. This kind of transformers are faced with unexpected voltage variations during switching connection and disconnection to HV so these conditions need to be taken into account during design process.
Distribution Transformers
TARA has close relationship with its customers and know very well their needs. As a result of this TARA supplies special type of Distribution Transformers with radiators or corrugated walls, furnished with conservator or hermetically selaed type with corrugated walls and without conservator.
Dry Type Transformers
Dry type transformers have following advantages:
saving in installation
low operational expenses
maximum safety
high performance
maintenance free
high reliability
low noise level for installation in residental areas and high buildings
Special Type Transformers
TARA supplies:
Auto transformers
Furnace transformers
Step-up transformers
Rectifier transformers
Generator type transformers according to the customers' needs.